Calibration & Service

Accredited & factory calibrations, service & maintenance contracts, flow training

Whether in our laboratory or on-site in your company – our calibration service calibrates both individual measuring elements and complete test benches. In our DAkkS*- accredited calibration laboratory, we calibrate components, for which we issue you a calibration certificate in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 after calibration. Thanks to the accreditation for the measurement sizes volume and mass flow of flowing gases, our calibrations are traced back to national standards. In addition, we offer you factory calibrations for the measurands pressure, temperature and humidity.

When calibrating at your company, we take a close look at the entire test bench. This offers the advantage that not only one component, but the entire system is calibrated and the interaction of all sensors is checked. By the way: We also offer this service for test benches from other manufacturers.

  • Reliability & precision
  • Professional competence
  • International comparability & recognition
  • EPE services: DAkkS * accredited calibrations in our in-house calibration laboratory and on-site

*Calibration laboratory accredited by DAkkS according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018.
The accreditation only applies to the scope of accreditation listed in the D-K-21444-01-00.

Our new accreditation scope is published by DAkkS

Flow calibration laboratory in China, Hangzhou

In addition, EPE can offer our customers even better service with the reopening in Asia in 2019: Factory calibration for flow gases, pressure, temperature & humidity.

  • Service & support international
  • Fast processing
  • Shorter transport routes
  • Faster communication channels

Calibration & Services at a glance