Machine Monitoring
As part of the ongoing global networking, increasing flexibility and growing data and information exchange, we create the right web application for your test bench. The architecture is adapted to your wishes. You too can benefit from the advantages of new web technologies. Your benefits:
- Monitor, collect, share and analyze data
- Utilization recognizable
- Any time can be selected
- Channel values can be shown and hidden individually
- Switching between the existing test stands
- No additional installation to the browser on the end device is necessary
- Location-independent access to test bench data
- Also available on smartphones and tablets by the platform independence
Data paths from the test bench to visualization
- For the data transfer from the test stand to the host, different application protocols can be selected
- Alternatively, the data can also be stored directly in the database, which is located on the host.
- With the help of the stored data, evaluations can be made and the results can be saved in turn.
- With a web server, both data from the database and data directly from the application log can be published.
- Provided that a suitable server is available on the host, another option is to create a suitable client of the desired protocol.
- The final visualization can take place in a browser, in an app or in a local desktop application.